Bank of AmericaSilver

Bank of America- Merrill Edge
"Face Retirement,"
Starcom MediaVest (Local)

What do you do when nearly half of all young Americans are not saving for their future? Bank of America thinks the answer is simple. You bring the future to them. Research from Stanford University showed that when young people are exposed to an image of their future-selves they are more likely to start saving for retirement. Face Retirement at is an online experience where users share their age, take a photo, and Bank of America would shock them into thinking about their retirement by showing them just how the future could look. When people come face to face with their under-prepared, over-the-hill selves — real photos of themselves aged to 67, 77, 87 and older — we know they are more likely to save for tomorrow. Bank of America also banked on people sharing their aged photos on Facebook. They didn’t disappoint, and helped spread the idea to nearly 10 million people. Aging is a universal truth. Most everyone could use a jolt of reality to increase their likelihood of saving for the future. Since launch, Face Retirement has drawn well over a half million visitors, earned nearly 10 million social impressions, 569 earned major-media placements including Fast Co,, and has been seen by millions on NBC’s Today Show and CNBC’s Squawk Box. Best of all, thanks to Face Retirement, Merrill Edge has seen an 11% increase in aided awareness and an 8% increase in brand favorability.